Use "dissent|dissented|dissenting|dissents" in a sentence

1. Caviling: See: contentious , critical , criticism , disaccord , disapprobation , dissension , dissent , dissenting , fractious

2. A judge may dissent ( disagree with the majority opinion ) and write a " dissenting opinion. "

3. From the beginning, dissenting justices have been heard and their dissents published alongside the majority opinion (or opinions).

4. No one dissents from the decision to unify.

5. The barrister member, Miss Anne Rafferty, dissented.

6. Long-podded cradles dissented turn-sick Bepuddle

7. 13 Three of the justices dissented from the majority decision.

8. She enjoys dissenting from us.

9. I wish to dissent .

10. There are likely to be many dissenting voices.

11. Toward the end of his career, he wrote more dissents than majority opinions.

12. Later that day Mashruwala told me he vehemently dissented from this view.

13. We must dissent from the apathy.

14. We must dissent from the indifference.

15. Two jurors signified their dissent.

16. Political dissent is not tolerated.

17. George Thacher cast the lone dissenting vote.

18. There are some dissenting voices among the undergraduates.

19. They decided to hand down a dissenting opinion.

20. Justice Frank Murphy dissented separately and voted to affirm the conviction.

21. Capitol “Investigation” Criminalizes Political Dissent

22. The teacher laughed her dissent.

23. A dissenting opinion came from the aunt .

24. Dissenting voices at the newspaper are very rare.

25. Few historians would dissent from this view.

26. I respectfully dissent and would reverse.

27. And thus, Concurring and dissenting opinions were born

28. However, considerable dissent developed within XFree86.

29. The regime ruthlessly suppresses all dissent.

30. WALKER, J., Concurring in part, and dissenting in part

31. By contrast, Grove characterizes both Bostock dissenting opinions as engaging in “flexible textualism”—because the dissents relied on Atextual considerations including public views about homosexuality in 1964, other statutes enacted after Title VII, and the “far-reaching” consequences of construing Title VII to cover discrimination

32. He and I dissented from each other in choosing a suitable candidate.

33. Bodie ignored the sounds of dissent.

34. Even the Japanese dissent indiscreet ways.

35. I was basically silenced for voicing a dissenting opinion.

36. There were only a couple of critically dissenting voices.

37. I dissent altogether from such an unwise idea.

38. Commodify Your Dissent Salvos from The Baffler

39. We do not dissent from that proposition.

40. The voices of dissent were effectively smothered.

41. There was only one dissenting voice during the discussion.

42. Antonyms for Acquiesces include resists, challenges, defies, opposes, contests, disagrees, forbears, dissents, fights and refuses

43. There are many ways of expressing dissent.

44. Very few dissenting voices were heard on the left.

45. Dissenting opinions in the deliberations must be truthfully entered in the transcript.

46. The present government is even less tolerant of dissent.

47. Concurrence, Thomas [Thomas Concurrence] [PDF] Concurrence, Breyer [Breyer Concurrence] [PDF] Dissent, Scalia [Scalia Dissent] [PDF] Dissent, Sotomayor [Sotomayor Dissent] [PDF] NOTE: Where it is feasible, a syllabus (headnote) will be released, as is being done in connection with this case, at the time the opinion is issued.

48. Third, the student plays a role of dissent.

49. The dissenting Tory peers stayed away; and the Bill was passed.

50. These voices of dissent grew louder and louder.

51. Voices of dissent began to rise against the bomb.

52. The continuity in the Dissenting tradition in such places is often remarkable.

53. That ratification depends on Parliament only dissenting in legally ambiguous ways?

54. Some critics have dissented from the view of Dylan as a visionary figure in popular music.

55. Challenge: a feeling or declaration of disapproval or dissent

56. 2020 What the Appellees and dissent seek is an

57. However, Suharto also disbanded Aspri to appease popular dissent.

58. Religious dissent is, indeed, one source of civil unrest.

59. Instead, internal dissent worsened, and a new civil war broke out.

60. Two of the dissenting justices further argued that the arrangement clearly violated the establishment clause.

61. Kolàr’s own subsets of collage — reportage, ventillage, Confrontage, rollage — seem less revelatory than nimble dissents from meaning

62. To fuse into one entity; merge: to Conflate dissenting voices into one protest.

63. Azerbaijan’s government continues to wage a vicious crackdown on critics and dissenting voices

64. Since the new program was introduced, there have been some dissenting voices .

65. Jacobite crowds sometimes attacked poor Dissenting groups,[ ] such as the Baptists.

66. Very few dissenting voices were heard on the right of the party.

67. Nobody dissented and the company stood to recite the opening chapter of the Koran under the leadership of the al-Sharifi.

68. But critics have accused him of being autocratic and intolerant of dissent.

69. There were murmurs of both Assent and dissent from the crowd

70. Your dissent on Godfrey v. Kent was brilliant, by the way.

71. Saddam Hussein's police state ruthlessly eliminates anyone who dares to dissent.

72. You've accused the players of dirty tactics... cheating, dissent, foul play.

73. Stability only exists in the country because dissent has been suppressed.

74. Anti-war dissent was increasing by the time Nixon took office.

75. The only freedoms of the truly enslaved are subtle subversion and private dissent.

76. Commodify your Dissent is a collection of essays from the Baffler magazine

77. Two dissents were authored by a collection of judges Appointed by former presidents Ronald Reagan, Bush, and Donald Trump

78. The four dissenting justices wanted to dispose of the case without considering the constitutional question.

79. Commodify your dissent : salvos from The Baffler / edited by Thomas Frank and Matt Weiland

80. These will contribute to develop greater tolerance towards dissent and acceptance of different views.